Rehabilitation of Alie Parussa Park, in Voronej

Voronej / Russia / Size M

Voronej City

Partners : Megapark

Alie Parussa Park is a green showcase located in the heart of Voronej city, edged by the river’s banks. The visitor can travel across the site following a long circular circuit and discover a succession of sports, cultural and leisure areas. The key element of this layout is the rehabilitation of the main axis and its extension, emphasising the bay’s views.

Sotchi Olympic Park Re-landscaping

Sotchi / Russia / Size XXL

Creation of a park promoting culture, sport and ecology. The site’s conversion has been elaborated on a step-by-step scenario, successive development allowing opening to the public: grassing over, constitution of the vegetal outline, and gradual establishment of activities.

Designing garden courtyards for apartment buildings in Boulogne, Sèvres and Paris

Boulogne / Paris / France / Size S

La France Mutualiste

Partners : Atelier Mosca

A variety of courtyard renovation in apartment buildings to improve the living environment and give better coherence between the apartments’ standing and the communal areas that lead to them. The courtyards become true gardens in their own right. The orientation and configuration of each one gives it particularity and moulds its identity: shade garden, garden to be overlooked, terrace garden, sun garden.

The generous selection of plants (multiplicity of species, varieties, flowering, terracing) gives renewed effect throughout the seasons.

Re Landscaping Dinamo Park, Voronej

Voronej / Russia / Size XXXL

Voronej City

Partners: Megapark

Create a new kind of park- a green infrastructure- within a natural display including play areas, sports facilities and facilitate cultural activities. The first stage covers the 10 Ha area central to the park:

-River rehabilitation and preservation of the wooded environment.

-Improve visitors’ access (car park, toilets, etc)

-Recreate the different activities practised since the park’s initial opening.

The second stage of the project’s development concerns the 90 Ha remaining. It is less interventionist. This area remains mostly natural. It is crossed by cross-country skiing tracks in the winter and walk paths in the spring and summer season. Sledge slopes are laid out in a couple of glades.

Re Landscaping Ramon Park, Voronej

Voronej / Russia / Size S

Voronej City

Partners: Megapark

Restoring the area in front of the castle with a view to its opening to the public. This enables:

- Re arranging the birch woods, so to recreate copses.

-Renovate the park’s edges and its boundaries.

-Facilitate access

-Restore walkways, in particular the principal one.

-Recreate lawns and flowers beds.

Park for CapGemini University in Gouvieux

Gouvieux (Oise) / France / Size XXL


Partners: Valode & Pistre, Phytoconseil, Setec tpi

Design a business campus park, for new usages, regardful to keep the continuity with the Berthault historical park. Create big open meeting areas but also intimate areas unashamedly contemporary: a central garden as pivot between the castle and the new campus, an esplanade (allowing privileged viewpoints on the park), a front-courtyard (reception area), and rooftop terraces.

The project also proposes the reconstitution of woods around the buildings, which need “healing” following to the real estate project building work. Inside the park, the operation aims to highlight the pond, by improving water quality, renovating the banks and its vegetation and lay out a circuit (the VIP walkway) featuring views of the chateau and pond.

Restoring France State’s garden in Saint Denis de la Réunion

Saint Denis (Réunion) / France / Size M

Conseil Général de l’île de la Réunion

Partners : Vincent Brunelle ACMH, Zone UP

Restore the garden, former Jardin du Roy, created in 1767 by the Compagnie des Indes, and today’s a botanical garden. The implementations are:

- Restoration of the major axis in the garden, by putting back double tree alignments and ornamental vegetation alongside the ponds, themselves refilled with water.

- Design free areas on the East, which will accommodate some facilities.

- Create a peripheral promenade where one can appreciate a variety of tropical plants.


Upgrading Park du Chatellier and its connections to Clermont de l’Oise

Clermont de l'Oise / France / Size L

Mairie de Clermont de l’Oise

Partners: Phytoconseil

The improvement and promotion of Chatellier Park has as its goal to re-establish its public vocation, while restoring the legacy, which had entitled the site to be listed in 1933. The operational management programme intends to:

- Preserve and restore its landscape and historical legacy.

- Draw attention to the site from its surroundings.

- Renew the green cover.

- Guarantee integration of the site’s activities.

- Take into account and manage the different type of visitors and their flows.

- Ensure quality treatment (range of materials and equipment).


Jean-Jacques Rousseau Park in Ermenonville

Ermenonville / France / Size XXL

Conseil Général de l’Oise, Ministère de la Culture

Partners: Vincent Brunelle ACMH

This project consists in rereading the “Parcours de René-Louis de Girardin”. The objective is to return to the historically original design in successive stages, following a programme: of highlighting pre-existing features and then setting up coherent prospective managing practices, so as to control park’s development.


Historical and landscape survey of la Ménagerie du Jardin des Plantes in Paris

Paris / France / Size M

Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle

Partners : E. Cereghini

Reference work for historic and landscape knowledge of Paris’ Ménagerie du Jardin des Plantes. Its goal is to:

-Understand historical evolution, from the viewpoint of spatial organisation and the methods displaying animals.

-Highlight the landscape’s value, its potentiality and its malfunctions.

This document foreshadows prior reflection on a restoration project.


Restoration of the Observatory’s terraces

Meudon / France / Size M

Service National des Travaux

Partners : C. Benilan, STAP des Hauts de Seine

Survey and work supervision for re-doing Meudon Observatory’s lawns, walkways and paths.


Designing a private park in Mougins

Mougins- Domaine de Peygros / France / Size M

Partners: P. Cribier

The spirit of the outside arrangements relies on a peaceful atmosphere in the heart of aplanted area. These plantings protect the house from being overlooked from neighbours and let views over the countryside and Mediterranean filter through. The landscape’s design maintains the essential nature of the wooded hillside, below the house: “ a house between natural woodlands and gardened terraces”, colourful and generous botanical species on the terraces contrast with the calm of the Alep’s pine forest.


Survey for promoting the forest heritage in Saint Cloud park

Saint-Cloud / France / Size XXXL

Service National des Travaux

Partners: Phytoconseil, Christian Riboulet

After conducting a general diagnosis of the park (including analysis of composition, plants’ architecture and the atmosphere they emanate, viewpoints, the health of the trees, and the state of tree avenues, forest density), the survey defines for each sector a programme of promotion, according to management unit (preservation, restoration or modification) based on a phase-calculated cost.


Leisure Residence Park, La Fontaine aux Bretons

Pornic (44) / France / Size L

EURL La fontaine aux bretons

Development of a park for a leisure residence in Brittany based on an ornamental and productive planting strategy. The overall composition relies on two perpendicular axis offering the park’s discovery: the North/South axis crosses an orchard, the farm’s courtyard, a vast kitchen garden; the East/ West axis starts in the vineyards along a pathway which is edged with multi-coloured shrub roses. This axis goes on through the kitchen garden and a hardy meadow having crossed a pool and aquatic garden.


Designing the courtyard of the Rochefort’s former hospital’s

Rochefort / France / Size M

Private property developer

Partners: Gonfreville-Dumet-Vaulet Architects

Restructuring Rochefort’s old hospital into a hotel/restaurant. The outdoors areas and particularly the central courtyard are converted into a living area, leaving room for a park with a garden atmosphere and sport facilities. The grand square is accessible by car, and leads directly to the hotel’s entrance, the western “sundown” terrace, the water parterre and its island, the park with strips of miscellaneous vegetation (impressive spring flowering and autumn colours).


Medieval inspiration experimental Garden in The Abbaye de Royaumont

Abbaye de Royaumont / France / Size S

Fondation Royaumont

Partners : Fondation Yves Rocher

Designing a garden following a new concept, offering the visitor a lively and changing space, welcoming triennial vegetal exhibitions. Its shape is a landscape-reminder of medieval gardens, so it illustrates what could have been “green experimentation” in the Middle Ages. As an observation laboratory, it is also ornamentally rich, for the strollers’ delight.


Landscaping a zoo for children in Crimea

Yalta Alupka / Crimea / Size S

Private owner

Create a zoo for children, enabling a privileged approach and contact, where they can look closely and touch; stroke, even feed their favourite animals. In the middle of the plot are organised separate enclosures, imitating a cell design and offering visitors multiple viewpoints.


Tianzhutianzhen Hotel in Xianzhuang

Xianzhuang / China / Size M

Private property developer

This project’s proposes the implementation of a vast hotel resort (Spa, restaurant, luxury villas) in a natural wooded area and contemporary Chinese garden. The latter distinguishes itself by its remarkable colours, offering distant views towards the mountains


Promoting the Balleroy Estate

Balleroy / France / Size S

SCEA du Domaine de Balleroy – Christopher Forbes, Forbes Magazine

Partners: Phytoconseil

General survey aiming at restoring the park at Chateau Balleroy. The project proposes garden-scaled interventions as well as park-scaled ones. The implementation of the first work lot has enabled the restoration and replanting of the largest avenue on this estate.


Mangua City Hotel

Ile Ometepe / Nicaragua / Size XXL

Private property developer

A luxury aquatic resort project. The hotel’s concept reconciles sustainable principles and local development considerations via the installations of independent floating platforms.


Parc Zaryadye (Hotel Russie)

Moscou / Russie / Taille XL

Le projet est une restructuration urbaine à Moscou, à deux pas du Kremlin.

Le parc, pensé comme rotule, relie fonctionnellement les lieux qui le composent et qui se situent en périphérie.

Plusieurs niveaux de terrasses, protégées par de larges bandes boisées, permettent d’organiser les différents lieux sur la topographie existante : le niveau supérieur de la rue Varvarka, est composé d’une part, d’un vaste jardin en partie supérieure et en sous-sols, d’un parking, et d’autre part d’une terrasse historique, avec ses monuments et églises. La seconde terrasse est constituée d’une immense galerie marchande. Puis vient le centre d’art et de musique, dont la galerie principale propose une vue entièrement dégagée sur le fleuve. Enfin, il y a le belvédère surplombant le fleuve. La variété de taille et les proportions crée une possibilité d’organiser tous types d’événements, le parc est parfaitement adapdables aux usages futurs. Les batiments sont semi enterrés, ne créant ainsi pas d’ostacle à la circulation des piétons. Enfin des passerelles permettent de traverser tout le parc et de profiter de cet espace dédié à la nature.