Field of activity

Our design, consulting, inspection, managing and engineering services cover a large area of activity in landscaping, the environment, sustainable development and the historical heritage sector. Our work consists in the design, the seeing through and highlighting of transportation infrastructures and all types of facilities whether they be culture, sport, leisure, housing or health related as well as cultural or natural landscaping or ephemeral gardens.

Urbana mobilitas

Urban mobility 

These projects are in keeping with local and regional policies for better city transit. They aim to structure cohabitation between slow, public, and all other motorised means of transport, undertaking a reflection on all new forms of mobility, especially those on a local scale (hectometric transport for all short distance means of transport). Also they offer the opportunity to emphasize or requalify the land they cross, whether it be urban or suburban. Green areas remain a bonding tool to bring together the new amenities and ensure their integration in time and space, ensuring continuity in urbanscape.

Urbis ornatus

(urban facilities, neighborhood, housing)

These projects embrace all types of facilities: culture, sport, leisure, health or housing. Where buildings exist already the planted area adds value or constitutes the essence of the programme itself. The objective is to always define identity in its historical, geographical, and territorial context. Always attentive to user’s needs, maintaining continuity through case-by-case improvement is the hallmark of our work.

paradisia hortique

Parks And Gardens 

These projects cover variable scales, more or less historically rooted. But their common denominator is the importance placed on walks and promenades, views and landscape exploration, respect of functionality, different uses, and scale fitting. Always define the spirit of the place, with a contemporary interpretation, without neglecting the aesthetical, ecological, functional, and leisure issues, balancing each criteria if necessary.

Ingenium ad res territoriales

Strategic and Prospective Territory Studies

The following correspond to tender offers in the field of site development and land protection. They combine environmental, cultural, economic and functional aspects of the areas in question.

Res volucres gestae

Event Organising

These designs are often implemented in collaboration with artist, botanists, or entrepreneurs and characterized by their ephemeral installation.

Exhibited during big events, these gardens generally present a wide spectrum of the latest technical developments and a unique understanding of gardens today.

Quae adtinent orbi terrarum

References worldwide

Consult a world map will all of our references.

DVA Paysagistes

DVA & Co was founded in September 2000 by Olivier Damée and Edith Vallet, after eight years of collaborative and professional landscaping work.

The agency works on programming missions, preliminary studies, or project management in the public and private sectors, in France, overseas French territories and worldwide, especially in China and Russia.


Olivier Damée

Landscape architect DPLG graduate in 1990 of L’Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Paysage de Versailles.

Master in 1993 in « Architecture of historical gardens and landscapes » at l’Ecole d’Architecture de Versailles in 1993.

Also qualified from the Mirail University of Toulouse majoring in Geography and Landscape.

Teacher in architecture, landscape, and horticulture schools.

Adviser to the French Government on landscape since 2004.

Member of the National Historic Monuments Committee –section two- expert in Parks and Gardens from 2008 to 2011.

Founder and manager of DAMEE, VALLET & Co since 2000.

Edith Vallet

Landscape architect graduated from l’Ecole Supérieure d’Architecture des Jardins et des Paysages, Paris, in 1995.

Member of the Departmental Committee of Val de Marne – Sites and Landscape section from 2005 to 2010.

Cultural organizer for garden heritage events.

Partner, founder and director of DAMEE, VALLET & Co since 2000.

The Agency

Since 2000, in both the public and private sectors, our design, consulting, expertise, engineering and project management work has embraced a large field of activity from landscape and the environment to sustainable development and historical heritage matters.

The following skills have enriched our experience:

-Perception and analysis of a landscape on different scales, how it is organized and how it will evolve.

-ability to bring together different partners, including local representatives of national local government bodies, around common heritage improvement and promotion projects.

-capacity to set out territorial planning with coherent organisation and management concepts based on interlocking criteria.

-Lead consultation operations through debates and public meetings.

Accustomed to work within multidisciplinary teams, we regularly collaborate with experts, who have become proven partners in projects : historians, agricultural engineers, botanists, urban developers, economists, programmers, architects, scenographers, cartographers…

For more than ten years, DVA has contributed its know-how to major international projects.

Present and past collaboration

Guillaume Blazy /Line Chauveau

Anne Foulon / Aurélie Botte / Elena Dehais / Thomas Honoré / Hélène Grare / Jean-François Malet / Sophie Barbaux / Stéphane Mercier / Antoine Costis

Thomas Chavanes / Claire Blot / Astrid de Villartay / Sabine Daubney / Anne Sender / Sonia Gros / Mélanie Azé – Flekenstein

Anna Snegireva Hagopian / Daria Darenkova / Delphine Jaboeuf / Ségolène Fliche / Maialen Mintegui / Maxime Mancheron / Soizic Martineau / Inger Marie Mulvad / Claire Droussagrd / Ségolène Vermersch / Thu Trang Pham / Jisung An / Lucie Hégron / Florian Gomis / Constance Mollat / Aude Favre / Marie Le Mélédo / Jennifer Sang